So maybe it is a bit premature to start thinking spring, especially in this part of the Pacific Northwest, but the heck with it. I am so over the whole winter thing. The last two years we have had record snow fall and this year it has been cold and rainy. It is depressing and well, blah. So I am proactively, and definitely thinking spring!!!
When I think spring - I think pastels - well, I always think pastels, especially pink - but I digress.
I spent the entire day on Saturday moving out all of the Christmas left overs (except the pink tree - which is going to now be a Valentines tree) and fluffing up my shop. I think that some of my "Pink Ladies", "Cottage Chicks" felt the same way because they were out in force this Saturday.
It actually all started with a Vintage Pink Chase. I brought her home from an antique auction. She was one of the more sought after orphans but I knew she had to come home with me. Looking at her makes me think of warmer, pinker times.

She just makes me happy. She is actually very comfy and I spent more time than I probably should have lounging....err, testing her out.
Since I don't have room for her at mine - I will enjoy her until she finds a new home. $165.00 adoption fee and she is yours.
I also found the prettiest, trio of lamps - the big sister and the smaller, pair of twins. Pink, just does it for me.

It reminds me of a song - "I'm a little bit deco - I'm a little bit shabby chic." I think that is how it goes.
These lamps are C.Miller, 1956 and in perfect condition. I am not great at photography..I can tell you that they are so much yummier in person. I am happy to ship them if you just gotta bring them home. Adoption fee for Large, Square shade is $95.00. The twins are $85.00. I also have another set of twins without shades and a minor flea bite for $50.00.
You can see them tucked away in the next photo of the newly fluffed corner...unfortunately those pink loving gals adopted allot of orphans from this display before I could snap a photo.
Everything in this display is available for adoption - please just email me for adoption fees and relocation if necessary.

Now for the really fun part for both of us. I am trying to build up my bloggy base of friends - so I am hosting a giveaway. I will be adding to the goodies every day - announcing a winner on Jan. 10Th!!! The entire package will end up with a value of about $150.00 clams, buckaroos, samolies...well, you get it.
How to enter!!
1. If you are already a follower - you get one entry.
2. Become a follower - you get an entry.
3. Leave me a comment on this blog - you get an entry.
4. Post my giveaway on your blog - just let me know you did - you get two entries.
5. Any order from me, you get three entries.
It is that easy!!! Unfortunately, this is open only to US bloggers...sorry.
The first goodie is a loverly piece of vintage, bark cloth. The gorgeous roses remind me of spring. You can use it to make a yummy pillow or cover a vanity bench like I did.

So spread the word about spring, pinkness and my giveaway. We will be waiting, the Orphans and I.