Hello. I know that seems a bit blah for a first introduction but it seems...natural. This is my first blog. I have read them for years. Devouring every yummy detail of others delicious decorating talent. I, like many of you, have the bug. The junking bug. I was shabby before it was chic. I love vintage goodies, pink makes me swoon and lets just say anything sparkly.....ahhhh....I have almost drove up the curb looking at my engagement ring in the sun. I also have a thing for "Orphaned things"....Ugly painted furniture, broken lamps, some stuff that my hubby calls "garbage" and just some nice stuff that I find at yard sales. Last weekend, I not only got some great stuff but I also got two parakeets and three gold fish for FREE!!! These things don't really seem to be..."What was I thinking", kind of moments...at least not to me. Others close to me may have other opinions....they can write their own blog.
Now for the "What was I thinking" idea.
Because of this bug, I recently decided to take all of my vintage loverlies and orphaned decor and lease a shop - yup. I also quit my full-time job - yup. Now you are probably saying to yourselves "What was she thinking?" I know, I know. This is not the time with the economy, times are rough. Shabby Chic is not in anymore ( someone told me that), big companies are closing...I know, I know...but it was the right time for me. I didn't like my job anymore. I was making ALOT of money for my company but didn't feel like I was getting a whole lot in return. I love to paint and recreate but I didn't have the energy or time....so, I quit. "What was I thinking?"
Anyway, what's done is done. I am now a shop owner. I thought starting a blog might be cathartic...and it seems to be. I thought I could get some great advice and support. I would love to show you some of the pretties that I find and hopefully get to meet some terrific people in the meantime.
I have some great antiques, lots of vintage goodies, hand-painted furniture, chic beauties that are not too shabby and lots more.
I hope you stop by often. I promise not to be so meladramatic. I have added a couple of pictures of the shop so far. It is far from ready to go.