It has been awhile since I have posted. It has been an interesting time. No matter how well we seem to plan, life continues to throw us the curve balls.
It is amazing how I take some things for granted...for instance, health. Not only the health of myself but the health of the people that surround me. I guess maybe, that is why life does shake you make you appreciate what you have and to continue to remind you to plan...and to slow down.
Recently, my parents have gotten old. I say recently, because it seemed to happen all of a least that is the way that it seems. I am not sure exactly when or how it happened. Silly sounding, I know. It makes me wonder if I was just too wound up in my business and work to notice or if I was just in denial.
My dad has had health issues for a long time but always still seemed happy and strong. He is still happy but is frail and can't help with my mom's ever increasing needs. She has always cared for him and now can barely walk. They need 24 hour help. It has been an awaking of sorts. They are getting older and so I am....hmmm.
I have always been in good health. A couple of weeks ago, I started to feel under the weather. I thought that I had the flu that everyone else in the world seem to have. I ended up having to have emergency surgery. I have always been one of those people that just worked through it...but it didn't work this made me feel a bit vulnerable and fragile.
I am fine now and my folks seem to be doing a bit better too...but it is eye opening and I will do my best not to take anything for granted.
One of the things that I will not take for granted is my family, the people that I care about.
Time marches on no matter what is happening. Winter becomes spring - things come and go - my business continues.
Despite all the things that have happened in my life, my shop is thriving!! That is a wonderful thing. I have gotten wonderful support from the amazing folks that stop by the shop and by friends and family that helped me through.
Thank you to all of you.
That being said....we have some been shopping and adding to the goodies in the store as fast as we can possibly can.
I am usually good about not taking things home from the shop but this is one of things that I am lusting after.
It has already been sold!
It is a gorgeous, antique buffet that my Junk Hunk refinished in a beautiful black. It is so elegant and solid walnut. I love the original hardware that he was able to reuse. I think it would look perfect in my dining room. I have a feeling however, that it won't last that long.
Here is another picture...I just love this.

I also have another new addition that I certainly will keep for my own.
This is my new grandson. He was born Saturday. His name at this moment is "Baby". I am hoping that he will have a proper name before he starts pre-school.
And so life goes on. Please forgive my rambling and absence. Come by and visit if you are in the area. We have new goodies and gossip almost every day.